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 Middle School: Ultimate Showdown Paperback English by James Patterson - 1 Jul 2016  Middle School: Ultimate Showdown Paperback English by James Patterson - 1 Jul 2016
Middle School: Ultimate Showdown Paperback English by James Patterson - 1 Jul 2016
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAuthor 1 James PattersonAuthor 2 Julia BergenCountry of Origin United Kingdom UKGrade NewISBN-13 9781784755546Language EnglishNumber of Pages 256Publication Date 1 Jul 2016View Full Specifications SpecificationsAuthor 1 James PattersonAuthor 2 Julia BergenCountry of Origin United Kingdom UKGrade NewISBN-13 9781784755546Language EnglishNumber of Pages 256Publication Date 1 Jul 2016View Full Specifications
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 My Little Pony Race Day In Rainbow Falls Paperback English by Orchard Books  My Little Pony Race Day In Rainbow Falls Paperback English by Orchard Books
My Little Pony Race Day In Rainbow Falls Paperback English by Orchard Books
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAuthor 1 Orchard BooksBook Description Why stay in human world? It’s time to explore a dreamy world where ponies are in charge – magical ponies! Come and explore their mystical world in this oh-so-pretty picture book. Rainbow Dash and her friends are preparing for the Equestria Games – the biggest sporting event of the pony calendar! It’s held in the beautiful city of Rainbow Falls and there are heaps of amazing events. But will Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash win their race? A charming first story from the world of My Little Pony A heartwarming magical tale of sport and friendship Beautiful colour artwork in a bright panelled layout Enchanting series which is loved all over the globeGrade NewISBN-13 9781408350188Language EnglishNumber of Pages 21Publisher Orchard BooksWhats In The Box Books SpecificationsAuthor 1 Orchard BooksBook Description Why stay in human world? It’s time to explore a dreamy world where ponies are in charge – magical ponies! Come and explore their mystical world in this oh-so-pretty picture book. Rainbow Dash and her friends are preparing for the Equestria Games – the biggest sporting event of the pony calendar! It’s held in the beautiful city of Rainbow Falls and there are heaps of amazing events. But will Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash win their race? A charming first story from the world of My Little Pony A heartwarming magical tale of sport and friendship Beautiful colour artwork in a bright panelled layout Enchanting series which is loved all over the globeGrade NewISBN-13 9781408350188Language EnglishNumber of Pages 21Publisher Orchard BooksWhats In The Box Books
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 FPA Piano Accelerated Performance Book 2 Paperback English by Nancy Faber , Randall Faber - 36161.0  FPA Piano Accelerated Performance Book 2 Paperback English by Nancy Faber , Randall Faber - 36161.0
FPA Piano Accelerated Performance Book 2 Paperback English by Nancy Faber , Randall Faber - 36161.0
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAuthor 1 Nancy Faber Randall FaberBook Description Faber Piano Adventures . Contents include: African Celebration * Club Jazz * Down by the Riverside * Everybody Ought to Know * Gallop on the Moor * German Dance * Holiday Fanfare * Mysterious Cavern * Niagra Falls * O Sole Mio! * Pale Moon Serenade * Peppermint Rag * Prelude in F * Prince of Denmarks March * Ride of Paul Revere * The Snow Castle * "Surprise" Symphony Theme * Tambourin * The Time Machine * Waltz in D Major.Edition Number 1st EditionGrade NewISBN-13 9781616772123Language EnglishPublication Date 36161.0Publisher Faber Piano AdventuresView Full Specifications SpecificationsAuthor 1 Nancy Faber Randall FaberBook Description Faber Piano Adventures . Contents include: African Celebration * Club Jazz * Down by the Riverside * Everybody Ought to Know * Gallop on the Moor * German Dance * Holiday Fanfare * Mysterious Cavern * Niagra Falls * O Sole Mio! * Pale Moon Serenade * Peppermint Rag * Prelude in F * Prince of Denmarks March * Ride of Paul Revere * The Snow Castle * "Surprise" Symphony Theme * Tambourin * The Time Machine * Waltz in D Major.Edition Number 1st EditionGrade NewISBN-13 9781616772123Language EnglishPublication Date 36161.0Publisher Faber Piano AdventuresView Full Specifications
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 FPA Piano Accelerated Popular Repertoire Book 2 Paperback English by Nancy Faber , Randall Faber - 38718.0  FPA Piano Accelerated Popular Repertoire Book 2 Paperback English by Nancy Faber , Randall Faber - 38718.0
FPA Piano Accelerated Popular Repertoire Book 2 Paperback English by Nancy Faber , Randall Faber - 38718.0
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAuthor 1 Nancy Faber Randall FaberBook Description Faber Piano Adventures . Accelerated Popular Repertoire Book 2 is skillfully arranged and correlated with the concepts in Accelerated Lesson Book 2. Contents include: Hero Theme from Spiderman * A New Day Has Come * The Game of Love * I Will Remember You * The James Bond Theme * Bring on the Rain * Because You Loved Me * and more.Edition Number 1st EditionGrade NewISBN-13 9781616774790Language EnglishPublication Date 38718.0Publisher Faber Piano AdventuresView Full Specifications SpecificationsAuthor 1 Nancy Faber Randall FaberBook Description Faber Piano Adventures . Accelerated Popular Repertoire Book 2 is skillfully arranged and correlated with the concepts in Accelerated Lesson Book 2. Contents include: Hero Theme from Spiderman * A New Day Has Come * The Game of Love * I Will Remember You * The James Bond Theme * Bring on the Rain * Because You Loved Me * and more.Edition Number 1st EditionGrade NewISBN-13 9781616774790Language EnglishPublication Date 38718.0Publisher Faber Piano AdventuresView Full Specifications
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 FPA Piano Accelerated Sight-Reading Book 2 Paperback English by Nancy Faber , Randall Faber - 37987.0  FPA Piano Accelerated Sight-Reading Book 2 Paperback English by Nancy Faber , Randall Faber - 37987.0
FPA Piano Accelerated Sight-Reading Book 2 Paperback English by Nancy Faber , Randall Faber - 37987.0
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAuthor 1 Nancy Faber Randall FaberBook Description Faber Piano Adventures . Good sightreading ability is a necessary skill for the developing musician. The Accelerated Sightreading Book 2 builds confident readers as students play musical variations based on their Lesson Book pieces. Theory activities help students focus on key concepts: eighth note and dotted quarter note rhythms major and minor five-finger scales intervals through the 6th plus one-octave scales and primary chords in the keys of C G and F major.Edition Number 1st EditionGrade NewISBN-13 9781616776602Language EnglishPublication Date 37987.0Publisher Faber Piano AdventuresView Full Specifications SpecificationsAuthor 1 Nancy Faber Randall FaberBook Description Faber Piano Adventures . Good sightreading ability is a necessary skill for the developing musician. The Accelerated Sightreading Book 2 builds confident readers as students play musical variations based on their Lesson Book pieces. Theory activities help students focus on key concepts: eighth note and dotted quarter note rhythms major and minor five-finger scales intervals through the 6th plus one-octave scales and primary chords in the keys of C G and F major.Edition Number 1st EditionGrade NewISBN-13 9781616776602Language EnglishPublication Date 37987.0Publisher Faber Piano AdventuresView Full Specifications
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 HL Piano Accelerated Popular Repertoire Book 1 Paperback English by Nancy Faber ,Randall Faber - 38353.0  HL Piano Accelerated Popular Repertoire Book 1 Paperback English by Nancy Faber ,Randall Faber - 38353.0
HL Piano Accelerated Popular Repertoire Book 1 Paperback English by Nancy Faber ,Randall Faber - 38353.0
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAuthor 1 Nancy Faber Randall FaberBook Description Faber Piano Adventures . Outstanding popular repertoire skillfully arranged and correlated with the concepts in Accelerated Lesson Book 1. Contents include: In Dreams * Video * Star Wars * Hedwigs Theme * Fiddler on the Roof * What a Wonderful World * Soak up the Sun * Over the Rainbow * The Lion Sleeps Tonight.Edition Number 1st EditionGrade NewISBN-13 9781616774707Language EnglishPublication Date 38353.0Publisher Faber Piano AdventuresView Full Specifications SpecificationsAuthor 1 Nancy Faber Randall FaberBook Description Faber Piano Adventures . Outstanding popular repertoire skillfully arranged and correlated with the concepts in Accelerated Lesson Book 1. Contents include: In Dreams * Video * Star Wars * Hedwigs Theme * Fiddler on the Roof * What a Wonderful World * Soak up the Sun * Over the Rainbow * The Lion Sleeps Tonight.Edition Number 1st EditionGrade NewISBN-13 9781616774707Language EnglishPublication Date 38353.0Publisher Faber Piano AdventuresView Full Specifications
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 Dork Diaries: Birthday Drama! Paperback  Dork Diaries: Birthday Drama! Paperback
Dork Diaries: Birthday Drama! Paperback
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SpecificationsAbout the Author Rachel Renee Russell is a lawyer who prefers writing childrens books to legal briefs mainly because books are a lot more fun and pyjamas and bunny slippers arent allowed in court. She has raised two daughters and lived to tell about it. Rachel lives in northern Virginia with a spoiled pet Yorkie who terrorises her daily by climing on top of her computer and pelting her with stuffed animals while she writes. And yes Rachel considers herself a total Dork.Author 1 Rachel Renee RussellBook Description The thirteenth instalment in the bestselling DORK DIARIES series now with over 30 million books in print!ISBN-10 1471173151ISBN-13 9.78147E+12Language EnglishNumber of Pages 304Publication Date 16-Oct-18View Full Specifications SpecificationsAbout the Author Rachel Renee Russell is a lawyer who prefers writing childrens books to legal briefs mainly because books are a lot more fun and pyjamas and bunny slippers arent allowed in court. She has raised two daughters and lived to tell about it. Rachel lives in northern Virginia with a spoiled pet Yorkie who terrorises her daily by climing on top of her computer and pelting her with stuffed animals while she writes. And yes Rachel considers herself a total Dork.Author 1 Rachel Renee RussellBook Description The thirteenth instalment in the bestselling DORK DIARIES series now with over 30 million books in print!ISBN-10 1471173151ISBN-13 9.78147E+12Language EnglishNumber of Pages 304Publication Date 16-Oct-18View Full Specifications
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 ملائكة وشياطين - Paperback Arabic by دان براون - 2005  ملائكة وشياطين - Paperback Arabic by دان براون - 2005
ملائكة وشياطين - Paperback Arabic by دان براون - 2005
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAuthor 1 دان براونBook Description اشتم العالم الفيزيائي ليوناردو فيترا رائحة لحم بشري يحترق، فأدرك أنها رائحته هو. رفع رأسه وراح يحدق بخوف إلى الطيف الذي يلوح فوقه في الظلام: ماذا تريد!. فأجابه هذا الأخير بصوت خشن: كلمة السر. ولكني... أنا لا-. ضغط الدخيل على الجسم الأبيض والساخن الذي يحمله بيده، غارزاً إياه عميقاً في جسم فيترا الذي بات يسمع هسيس جلده المشوي، فراح يصرخ بألم: ليس هناك أي كلمة سرّ! ودخل بدوار وكاد يغمى عليه. أخذ الطيف يحملق فيه غاضباً، ثم قال: هذا ما كنت أخشاه. كان فيترا، محاولاً التماسك قدر المستطاع في ظلام يلف المكان، كان عزاؤه الوحيد في حؤوله دون السماح للمتهجم عليه هذا بأن يحصل على ما هو آت من أجله. ولكن، بعد مرور فترة وجيزة، سحب الطيف شفرة حادة وقربها من وجه فيترا فراحت تحوم بتأن وفن حوله. توسل فيترا صارخاً: بربك!، إلا أن السيف كان وللأسف قد سبق العذل. يتم استدعاء روبرت لانغدون، وهو بروفسور شهير متخرج من جامعة هارفارد في مجال دراسة الرموز وتحليلها، إلى أحد مراكز الأبحاث السويسرية بهدف تفسير رمز سري كان قد سفع على صدر أحد الفيزيائيين الذي وقع ضحية جريمة قتل شنيعة ومروعة. ولكن ما سوف يكتشفه هذا الخبير أمر لا يمكن للعقل تصوره: ثأر قديم ومميت ضد الكنيسة الكاثوليكية من قبل منظمة خفية وقديمة تعرف بالطبقة المستنيرة. وفي محاولة يائسة لإنقاذ الفاتيكان من قنبلة موقوتة مدمرة، ينضم لانغدون إلى قوات روما ومعه العالمة الفاتنة والغامضة فيتوريا فيترا. ومعاً سوف ينطلقان في مطاردة مسعورة ومحفوفة بالمخاطر عبر السراديب والمقابر التحت أرضية الخطيرة والكاتدرائيات المقفرة وأكثر السراديب سرية على وجه الأرض... مخبأ الطبقة المستنيرة. ملائكة وشياطين آخر مؤلفات دان براون مغامرة تحبس الأنفاس، تعيشها لحظة بلحظة... مشوقة، سريعة، وذات مستوى مرتفع من الذكاء. ومما لا شك فيه أن مؤلفها هو أحد أفضل وأذكى الروائيين العالميين وأشدهم نبوغاً... وتشهد له بذلك مؤلفاته العالمية الكثيرة والتي من أهمها شيفرة دافنتشي الرواية العالمية التي بيع منها حين صدورها أكثر من 8 ملايين نسخة في حينه. أما روايته هذه ملائكة وشياطين فقد ترجمت إلى أكثر من 50 لغة وبيعها منها أكثر من 16 مليون نسخة حتى الآن.Format PaperbackLanguage ArabicNumber of Pages 568Publication Date 2005Publisher الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون SpecificationsAuthor 1 دان براونBook Description اشتم العالم الفيزيائي ليوناردو فيترا رائحة لحم بشري يحترق، فأدرك أنها رائحته هو. رفع رأسه وراح يحدق بخوف إلى الطيف الذي يلوح فوقه في الظلام: ماذا تريد!. فأجابه هذا الأخير بصوت خشن: كلمة السر. ولكني... أنا لا-. ضغط الدخيل على الجسم الأبيض والساخن الذي يحمله بيده، غارزاً إياه عميقاً في جسم فيترا الذي بات يسمع هسيس جلده المشوي، فراح يصرخ بألم: ليس هناك أي كلمة سرّ! ودخل بدوار وكاد يغمى عليه. أخذ الطيف يحملق فيه غاضباً، ثم قال: هذا ما كنت أخشاه. كان فيترا، محاولاً التماسك قدر المستطاع في ظلام يلف المكان، كان عزاؤه الوحيد في حؤوله دون السماح للمتهجم عليه هذا بأن يحصل على ما هو آت من أجله. ولكن، بعد مرور فترة وجيزة، سحب الطيف شفرة حادة وقربها من وجه فيترا فراحت تحوم بتأن وفن حوله. توسل فيترا صارخاً: بربك!، إلا أن السيف كان وللأسف قد سبق العذل. يتم استدعاء روبرت لانغدون، وهو بروفسور شهير متخرج من جامعة هارفارد في مجال دراسة الرموز وتحليلها، إلى أحد مراكز الأبحاث السويسرية بهدف تفسير رمز سري كان قد سفع على صدر أحد الفيزيائيين الذي وقع ضحية جريمة قتل شنيعة ومروعة. ولكن ما سوف يكتشفه هذا الخبير أمر لا يمكن للعقل تصوره: ثأر قديم ومميت ضد الكنيسة الكاثوليكية من قبل منظمة خفية وقديمة تعرف بالطبقة المستنيرة. وفي محاولة يائسة لإنقاذ الفاتيكان من قنبلة موقوتة مدمرة، ينضم لانغدون إلى قوات روما ومعه العالمة الفاتنة والغامضة فيتوريا فيترا. ومعاً سوف ينطلقان في مطاردة مسعورة ومحفوفة بالمخاطر عبر السراديب والمقابر التحت أرضية الخطيرة والكاتدرائيات المقفرة وأكثر السراديب سرية على وجه الأرض... مخبأ الطبقة المستنيرة. ملائكة وشياطين آخر مؤلفات دان براون مغامرة تحبس الأنفاس، تعيشها لحظة بلحظة... مشوقة، سريعة، وذات مستوى مرتفع من الذكاء. ومما لا شك فيه أن مؤلفها هو أحد أفضل وأذكى الروائيين العالميين وأشدهم نبوغاً... وتشهد له بذلك مؤلفاته العالمية الكثيرة والتي من أهمها شيفرة دافنتشي الرواية العالمية التي بيع منها حين صدورها أكثر من 8 ملايين نسخة في حينه. أما روايته هذه ملائكة وشياطين فقد ترجمت إلى أكثر من 50 لغة وبيعها منها أكثر من 16 مليون نسخة حتى الآن.Format PaperbackLanguage ArabicNumber of Pages 568Publication Date 2005Publisher الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون
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 Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book - Paperback English by Caroline Linse - 41720  Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book - Paperback English by Caroline Linse - 41720
Cambridge Global English Stage 3 Activity Book - Paperback English by Caroline Linse - 41720
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAuthor 1 Caroline LinseAuthor 2 Elly SchottmanFormat PaperbackISBN-10 1107613833ISBN-13 9781107613836Language EnglishNumber of Pages 112Publication Date 41720View Full Specifications SpecificationsAuthor 1 Caroline LinseAuthor 2 Elly SchottmanFormat PaperbackISBN-10 1107613833ISBN-13 9781107613836Language EnglishNumber of Pages 112Publication Date 41720View Full Specifications
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 Nursery Rhymes Colouring Book - Paperback  Nursery Rhymes Colouring Book - Paperback
Nursery Rhymes Colouring Book - Paperback
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SpecificationsAuthor 1 Justinc.H. BirchFormat PaperbackISBN-13 9780857262554Language English SpecificationsAuthor 1 Justinc.H. BirchFormat PaperbackISBN-13 9780857262554Language English
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 Sat Math Level 1 With CD - Paperback  Sat Math Level 1 With CD - Paperback
Sat Math Level 1 With CD - Paperback
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAuthor 1 Ira K. WolfBook Description This new edition of Barrons SAT Subject Test: Math Level 1 offers students intensive test preparation with: A review of the most important test-taking strategies students need to know to succeed on this exam Topic review chapters covering all the math students need to know for this test including: arithmetic algebra plane geometry solid and coordinate geometry trigonometry functions and their graphs probability and statistics real and imaginary numbers and logic Three full-length model tests with complete solutions for every problem The manual can be purchased alone or with an optional CD-ROM that presents two additional full-length practice tests with answers explanations and automatic scoring. System Requirements: Windows R Pentium 4 2GHz or faster processor Windows 8 7 Windows Vista R Windows XP 512 MB of RAM 1GB recommended 1024 x 768 resolution display Requires Adobe Air MAC R OS X Intel Core "[ Duo 1.83GHz or faster processor Mac OS X 10.7 or greater 512 of RAM 1GB recommended 1024 x 768 resolution display Requires Adobe Air Note: Mac computers with PowerPC R processors are not supported.Mixed Media ProductFormat PaperbackISBN-10 1438076312ISBN-13 9781438076317Language EnglishNumber of Pages 400Publication Date 2016-09-28View Full Specifications SpecificationsAuthor 1 Ira K. WolfBook Description This new edition of Barrons SAT Subject Test: Math Level 1 offers students intensive test preparation with: A review of the most important test-taking strategies students need to know to succeed on this exam Topic review chapters covering all the math students need to know for this test including: arithmetic algebra plane geometry solid and coordinate geometry trigonometry functions and their graphs probability and statistics real and imaginary numbers and logic Three full-length model tests with complete solutions for every problem The manual can be purchased alone or with an optional CD-ROM that presents two additional full-length practice tests with answers explanations and automatic scoring. System Requirements: Windows R Pentium 4 2GHz or faster processor Windows 8 7 Windows Vista R Windows XP 512 MB of RAM 1GB recommended 1024 x 768 resolution display Requires Adobe Air MAC R OS X Intel Core "[ Duo 1.83GHz or faster processor Mac OS X 10.7 or greater 512 of RAM 1GB recommended 1024 x 768 resolution display Requires Adobe Air Note: Mac computers with PowerPC R processors are not supported.Mixed Media ProductFormat PaperbackISBN-10 1438076312ISBN-13 9781438076317Language EnglishNumber of Pages 400Publication Date 2016-09-28View Full Specifications
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 Stung With Love: Poems And Fragments Paperback  Stung With Love: Poems And Fragments Paperback
Stung With Love: Poems And Fragments Paperback
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SpecificationsAbout the Author Sappho was born sometime between 630 and 617 BCE and died around 570. Little of certainty is known about her life. A native of the island of Lesbos she resided in its largest city Mytilene. She composed songs for choral and solo performance on a wide range of themes but is best known for amatory songs focusing on adolescent females. She is renowned as the first woman poet in literary history and her songs have been universally admired throughout antiquity and modernity. Aaron Poochigian was born in 1973. He earned his Phd in Classics in 2006. He was a visiting professor of Classics at the University of Utah in 2007-8 and is currently D.L. Jordon Fellow at Roanoke College in Salem Virginia. His poems and translations have appeared in a number of journals including Chimaera Classical Journal and Unsplendid. Carol Ann Duffys poetry has received every major award in Britain including the Whitbread and the Forward prized for Mean Time and the T.S. Eliot Award for Rapture. In the USA she has received the E.M. Forster and Lannan Awards. Carol Ann has also written extensively for children and has editied many anthologies.Author 1 SapphoBook Description More or less 150 years after Homers Iliad Sappho lived on the island of Lesbos west off the coast of what is present Turkey. Little remains today of her writings which are said to have filled nine papyrus rolls in the great library at Alexandria some 500 years after her death. The surviving texts consist of a lamentably small and fragmented body of lyric poetry - among them poems of invocation desire spite celebration resignation and remembrance - that nevertheless enables us to hear the living voice of the poet Plato called the tenth Muse. This is a new translation of her surviving poetry.ISBN-13 9780140455571Language EnglishNumber of Pages 160Publication Date 27 October 2009Publisher Penguin Books Ltd SpecificationsAbout the Author Sappho was born sometime between 630 and 617 BCE and died around 570. Little of certainty is known about her life. A native of the island of Lesbos she resided in its largest city Mytilene. She composed songs for choral and solo performance on a wide range of themes but is best known for amatory songs focusing on adolescent females. She is renowned as the first woman poet in literary history and her songs have been universally admired throughout antiquity and modernity. Aaron Poochigian was born in 1973. He earned his Phd in Classics in 2006. He was a visiting professor of Classics at the University of Utah in 2007-8 and is currently D.L. Jordon Fellow at Roanoke College in Salem Virginia. His poems and translations have appeared in a number of journals including Chimaera Classical Journal and Unsplendid. Carol Ann Duffys poetry has received every major award in Britain including the Whitbread and the Forward prized for Mean Time and the T.S. Eliot Award for Rapture. In the USA she has received the E.M. Forster and Lannan Awards. Carol Ann has also written extensively for children and has editied many anthologies.Author 1 SapphoBook Description More or less 150 years after Homers Iliad Sappho lived on the island of Lesbos west off the coast of what is present Turkey. Little remains today of her writings which are said to have filled nine papyrus rolls in the great library at Alexandria some 500 years after her death. The surviving texts consist of a lamentably small and fragmented body of lyric poetry - among them poems of invocation desire spite celebration resignation and remembrance - that nevertheless enables us to hear the living voice of the poet Plato called the tenth Muse. This is a new translation of her surviving poetry.ISBN-13 9780140455571Language EnglishNumber of Pages 160Publication Date 27 October 2009Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
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 Book Thief Paperback English by Markus Zusak - 2017-01-19  Book Thief Paperback English by Markus Zusak - 2017-01-19
Book Thief Paperback English by Markus Zusak - 2017-01-19
Availability: In Stock
SpecificationsAbout the Author MARKUS ZUSAK is the bestselling author of six novels including THE BOOK THIEF. His books have been translated into more than forty languages to both popular and critical acclaim. He lives in Sydney with his wife and two children. Find Markus on his blog zusakbooks website & Facebook /markuszusak Instagram @markuszusakAuthor 1 Markus ZusakBook Description SPECIAL 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION with exclusive extra behind-the-scenes material from the author It is 1939. In Nazi Germany the country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier - and will become busier still. By her brothers graveside Liesels life is changed forever when she picks up a single object abandoned in the snow. It is The Gravediggers Handbook and this is her first act of book thievery. So begins Liesels love affair with books and words and soon she is stealing from Nazi book-burnings the mayors wifes library . . . wherever there are books to be found. But these are dangerous times and when Liesels foster family hides a Jew in their basement nothing will ever be the same again. In superbly crafted writing that burns with intensity award-winning author Markus Zusak has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time. Now a major film from Twentieth-Century Fox starring Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson.Format PaperbackEditorial Review . . . a beautifully balanced piece of storytelling . . . Unsettling thought-provoking life affirming triumphant and tragic this is a novel of breathtaking scope masterfully told. It is an important piece of work but also a wonderful page-turnerISBN-10 1909531618ISBN-13 9781909531611Language EnglishView Full Specifications SpecificationsAbout the Author MARKUS ZUSAK is the bestselling author of six novels including THE BOOK THIEF. His books have been translated into more than forty languages to both popular and critical acclaim. He lives in Sydney with his wife and two children. Find Markus on his blog zusakbooks website & Facebook /markuszusak Instagram @markuszusakAuthor 1 Markus ZusakBook Description SPECIAL 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION with exclusive extra behind-the-scenes material from the author It is 1939. In Nazi Germany the country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier - and will become busier still. By her brothers graveside Liesels life is changed forever when she picks up a single object abandoned in the snow. It is The Gravediggers Handbook and this is her first act of book thievery. So begins Liesels love affair with books and words and soon she is stealing from Nazi book-burnings the mayors wifes library . . . wherever there are books to be found. But these are dangerous times and when Liesels foster family hides a Jew in their basement nothing will ever be the same again. In superbly crafted writing that burns with intensity award-winning author Markus Zusak has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time. Now a major film from Twentieth-Century Fox starring Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson.Format PaperbackEditorial Review . . . a beautifully balanced piece of storytelling . . . Unsettling thought-provoking life affirming triumphant and tragic this is a novel of breathtaking scope masterfully told. It is an important piece of work but also a wonderful page-turnerISBN-10 1909531618ISBN-13 9781909531611Language EnglishView Full Specifications
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 Crescendo - Paperback English by Becca Fitzpatrick - 40661  Crescendo - Paperback English by Becca Fitzpatrick - 40661
Crescendo - Paperback English by Becca Fitzpatrick - 40661
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SpecificationsAbout the Author Becca Fitzpatrick lives in colourado. Hush Hush was her first novel and after completing the series wrote romantic thrillers Black Ice and the upcoming Dangerous Lies. When shes not writing Becca is most likely to be found prowling sales racks for reject shoes running or watching crime dramas on TV.Author 1 Becca FitzpatrickFormat PaperbackEditorial Review Dark sexy and compelling. The Bookseller action-packed and creepy... quite simply amazing. Once Upon a Bookshelf an enthralling sequel... this series is still the best of the angel bunch. Wondrous Reads Blog great sexual tension... hot tense and moreish. The Bookbag an absolute must for angel fans and lovers of all books paranormal. The BooketteISBN-10 1847387217ISBN-13 9781847387219Language EnglishNumber of Pages 427View Full Specifications SpecificationsAbout the Author Becca Fitzpatrick lives in colourado. Hush Hush was her first novel and after completing the series wrote romantic thrillers Black Ice and the upcoming Dangerous Lies. When shes not writing Becca is most likely to be found prowling sales racks for reject shoes running or watching crime dramas on TV.Author 1 Becca FitzpatrickFormat PaperbackEditorial Review Dark sexy and compelling. The Bookseller action-packed and creepy... quite simply amazing. Once Upon a Bookshelf an enthralling sequel... this series is still the best of the angel bunch. Wondrous Reads Blog great sexual tension... hot tense and moreish. The Bookbag an absolute must for angel fans and lovers of all books paranormal. The BooketteISBN-10 1847387217ISBN-13 9781847387219Language EnglishNumber of Pages 427View Full Specifications
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